Tuesday 26 March 2013

Lovely Relationship – Mother & Son

I feel so happy writing about the topic which is very close to my heart : my toddler son – Ronav. It’s about the new born relationship between me and my son 1 year (+).  If I look back, I wonder is it only 14 + 9 month’s association???? However it feels like ages of togetherness JJJ

From last several months, I have not slept for 3-4 hours at a stretch, not done shopping for several hours, no movies, no long drives, not spent time with friends, no long chats on mobile, no parlour sessions, no leisure time, no news paper reading ( and Books – forget it). I really miss getting up late… L

But I don’t regret missing all these things because….. The moment I took this tiny divine soul named Ronav in my hands, he absolutely made me forget the 17 hours’ long labour pain. I could not thank God more. Though my day starts very early, it starts with wonderful smile which makes my day perfect. Despite the fact that I hate cooking, right now I have 3 recipe books of baby food and I have started enjoying cooking food. I don’t need TV serial drama for entertainment/Time Pass, I can spend hours just looking at Ronav’s cute and naughty activities (sometimes troublesome). Every time I think I wonder whether God takes classes of all tiny and unborn babies before sending them on earth -  how to cope up with new environment, how to cry, smile and to recognize mother and more ever learning new things step by step.

Earlier our life was just about both of us - my husband and me. But now it’s prefect family; Grand Parents, Parents and Ronav J. The grandparents have got the new duty of taking care of grand son when his parents are away for professional commitments. They really cherish spending time with him. When every morning, we both leave Ronav unwillingly for our respective offices, he completely supports his grandparents. I really thank him for that J… Our life revolves around Ronav. He has not only made us proud parents but he has started new chapter in his Grandparents’ Life. He has given wonderful reason to them to enjoy the life as a kid.

Ronav shows his affection for me in his unique way, I just can’t put it in words. But it’s amazing. They say that a relationship is always two way street. And I completely believe in the statement, except the Mother-Son/Daughter relationship. I know Ronav will have changed his priorities, once he is grown up, as we all do have changed. But for me, he will remain my heart beat and my first priorityJ..

Nevertheless Ronav has made me understand the real meaning of being a mother. Thanks Ronav JJJ… And Love you Aaai (my mother).

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